How to memorise scales, chords and other elements of music theory

Old guitar player sitting sofa
One thing that can be intimidating when learning music theory is the prospect of having to memorise so many different things. Scales, chord formulas and chord progressions can all get jumbled up in your mind and you might struggle to recall the information when you’re actually playing.

There are a couple of things you can do to make this easier. First of all realise that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just because you have all the music theory in front of you on the website or in my course does not mean you have to be able to use it all at once right from the start. It’s going to take time.

Next you have to use the power of focussing on one thing at a time while allowing your unconscious mind to learn from the context in which you encounter information. Information is less meaningful and harder to remember if it’s presented in isolation.

Lets go through an example. Say you want to learn the Major scale formula. For a couple of days or weeks this will be the one thing that will be in your mind when studying music theory. Set yourself a goal of being able to recite the Major scale formula and being able to play it on one string and across all six strings starting from the Low E.

Your mind will keep seeing the patterns repeating over and over even though you’re not putting much conscious effort into memorising them.

Now this doesn’t mean you stop reading or practising other aspects of music theory. You should actually continue your studies. However you do this without feeling pressure to memorise or deeply understand anything else. The only exception is when you see something that relates to your topic of focus. But even then you take it easy on yourself.

So for example imagine you are reading about how Major triads are constructed by taking three notes from the Major scale. You will read which three notes these are and how you can get all the triads in a Major key from just this one scale.

So you’ve just learned something new about the Major scale and triads, which is great. Make a mental note of it but don’t pressurise yourself to remember it. Just file it away as a nice-to-know idea.

What will happen is that over time you will read and re-read the same lessons and do the same or similar exercises again and again. Your mind will keep seeing the patterns repeating over and over even though you’re not putting much conscious effort into memorising them.

To this day this is still how I approach learning of any kind. I’ll read broadly about a topic until I have a rough understanding of how it all fits together.

After a couple of days or weeks you have the Major scale formula memorised and you can play it in a couple of places. Also you have some idea of context around why it’s important and how it can help you understand triad and chord construction. You may not remember the exact details but you have a rough idea about how it works.

Now you’re ready to focus on the next topic. Btw the lessons on this site and my music theory course are set out like roadmap so you always know what to focus on next.

The next step is understanding how you can choose three particular notes from the Major scale to build triads (often described as Major chords) and because you’ve already read over the topic a few times and understand the context you’ll be much better prepared to understand and remember the information.

To this day this is still how I approach learning of any kind. I’ll read broadly about a topic until I have a rough understanding of how it all fits together. Then I’ll focus on one thing to really understand thoroughly. In the mean time I keep studying the wider context in a ‘casual’ way with no intention of getting a deep understanding. Once I have mastered my topic of focus I move on to the next one.

If you’re interested in more tips to help you learn and memorise guitar music theory make sure to sign up to my newsletter. I’ll send you several free e-books about music theory as well.


Feel like you’re not making progress?

Man wearing red shirt playing guitar
Something I struggled with in the past was the nagging feeling that I wasn’t making progress in some of areas of my guitar playing.

For example, I’d be practising ear training exercises every day and to be honest I wasn’t sure if I was actually getting better at recognising intervals. I felt like I was just guessing the answers even though I was doing everything possible not to.

I’d sing along with the notes, I’d imagine hearing a well known melody continuing  after the second note and try to find the notes on my guitar. Basically I was doing everything right but I felt like I was grasping around in the dark.

But I persevered.

And slowly, very slowly my ‘guesses’ were right more often than wrong. And after a while I was consistently correct in hearing the different intervals I was testing myself on.

What I had to accept was that I had to keep doing the exercises and trust that my brain was learning on an unconscious level. My abilities were improving at such a small rate each day, that consciously I wasn’t aware that I was getting better.

But small improvements every day start to add up. Get momentum through that initial shallow part of the learning curve and soon you’ll start to notice that you’re getting better.

Keep practicing, trust that your unconscious mind is recognising the patterns and learning each moment and focus on doing the required exercises regularly.

It’s like any other skill where you have to attune your perception to more details than you would normally. In the same way that someone who wants to become a better cook has to develop their palate so they can discern different kinds of flavours better.

The same way that a dancer or martial artist must gain more precise control of their limbs and a better perception of their body in space.

And the same if you wanted to become a painter you would have to train yourself to really see the colours in front of you and to be able to select the right combinations of paint to represent reality on the canvas.

It’s just that in stead of paint you select notes to bring together in a way that reflects what you hear in your mind.

So whichever aspect of music theory or guitar playing you are working on. Keep practicing, trust that your unconscious mind is recognising the patterns and learning each moment and focus on doing the required exercises regularly.

Even if it’s only five minutes a day. It will all add up and soon you’ll notice real improvements in your abilities.

To get started learning music theory in the right way using a clear guide, sign up to the free newsletter and receive a free multi-part music theory course.


Can you be too old to learn music theory?

Elderly man playing guitar
A common question I hear is whether you can ever be too old to learn music theory. I think most people these days are comfortable with picking up the guitar at any age. After all there are plenty of success stories around about people that start learning guitar very late in life and still become very skilled players.

But something that still persists among many guitarists is that if they haven’t learned music theory before a certain age then they might as well not bother trying.

There are a couple of reasons why this is the case. One of the best things about the guitar compared to other instruments is that you can start making good sounding music relatively quickly.

Think about instruments like the violin or saxophone where you have to put in a lot of practice just to be able to play single note. Whereas with a fretted instrument like the guitar this is relatively simple. Since progress with most instruments is slower it means a player’s technical ability improves at the same rate as their ability to read music and understand music theory.

If you are shown how to learn and apply music theory as a guitar player then it doesn’t matter how old you are. In fact your age can actually be an advantage.

With the guitar however you can start making great music without reading music or understanding any theory. As time goes on many guitar players develop their ear, meaning they have an unconscious understanding of some theoretical concepts. This means they have even less incentive to learn theory.

But most guitar players will find they eventually hit a wall in their development. They aren’t able to jam with friends like they want to, they can’t write music that is up to the standards they want or they find they are having difficulty learning to play more complicated types of music like Jazz. This is the point where knowledge of music theory comes in handy.

So what stops people from learning theory? A big issue that guitar players face is that when they first look into learning it they find it hard to translate the theoretical concepts to what they are doing on the guitar.

The fact is that many people believe the piano is the best instrument to learn music theory on, so it is with that paradigm in mind that it is conventionally taught. This is a big mistake and causes a lot of people to become confused and give up.

More mature people are also more motivated to reach their goals. They don’t push things off into the future because they realise they either work on the problem they want to solve today or it will never happen.

The guitar is actually one of the best instruments to learn music theory on as long as the design of the instrument is taken into consideration. The way the guitar is tuned actually contains the very essence of how music theory works.

If you are shown how to learn and apply music theory as a guitar player then it doesn’t matter how old you are. In fact your age can actually be an advantage. Many of my best students are actually older than 40 and there are several reasons for this.

First they have a lot of life and learning experience. They don’t want to waste time on things that don’t work and will embrace ways of doing things that bring results. They know there’s often a difference between the ‘official’ way of doing things and the way that people in the real world do things in order to get where they want to be.

More mature people are also more motivated to reach their goals. They don’t push things off into the future because they realise they either work on the problem they want to solve today or it will never happen. That’s why when they see an opportunity to jump forward they reach out and grab it without hesitation.

Finally, whether they realise it or not, they’ve picked up a lot of musical knowledge over the years. Simply from hearing lots of music over time. This gives them an innate sense of how music works and it’s something that they will become conscious of when they start exploring music theory in the way that guitar players were meant to be taught.

To get started learning music theory using a clear road map sign up to the newsletter and receive a free multi-part music theory course.


Ear Training 000: Tune Your Guitar (E)

Before you get started with the ear training exercises make sure your guitar is in tune.

GTR004: How to find all the chords and triads in a Major key

Use this easy pattern to find all the chords and triads in a Major Key. This is useful when writing your own chord progressions or when you want to jam in a particular key.