
GTR Profile

Hi, my name is Neill and welcome to the site for Guitar Theory Revolution, the method that overthrows the piano paradigm and helps you learn music theory for the guitar in a way that utilises the instrument’s unique hidden attributes.

My specialty is in helping people who have always struggled to learn, understand and use music theory and specifically people that may mistakenly think that they are too old to learn.

I hope you enjoy the lessons and the information provided in the newsletter. If you have any questions or comments please get in touch.


Contact Details:

E-mail: neill(at)guitartheoryrevolution(dot)info

Please get in touch with feedback, suggestions, questions or ideas.

Connect With GuitarTheoryRevolution

Facebook Page: Guitar Theory Revolution
Facebook Discussion Group: target=”open”>Guitar Revolution: Discussion Group
Twitter: TheoryForGuitar
YouTube: The GTR Channel

Note that in all lessons on GTR the strings are numbered in a different, more sensible way than most guitar instructors and teachers teach (although it is not essential to my method of teaching): Numbering The Guitar Strings

You should also know that all the images on this site are in a resolution that allows you to zoom in with your browser (usually with Ctrl +) so that you can see the diagrams more clearly. Videos can also be viewed in full-screen HD.